TRANSFORM your life,

LIVE your greatness!

Want To Know How?

Break through barriers, align with your values, gain clarity, and live a purposeful life.
Release anger, build a resilient mindset, and gain tools to stay in control of your emotions.
Helping you support your employees by improving their mental and emotional wellbeing.
Increasing the likelihood of successful change by leading employees through transition.

Welcome to COACH ME TO GROW!

“We are here to live out loud.” ~ Balzac


Hi! I’m Tronél Hellberg, a Transformation Life Coach who founder Coach me to Grow in 2017. I provide online sessions and offer late-night/early hours of the morning appointments once a week.

So, what does a life coach do?

I have to admit, the first time I heard the term “life coach”, I asked myself: “Who can really call themselves a life coach and coach others “on life”? Life happens to us all!” True. I feel the term “personal development coach” is a far more accurate description.

Life coaching isn’t about telling people what to do. It’s about helping people identify their goals, overcome obstacles, and align their life with their values. Through guided conversations, a life coach provides support, accountability, and tools to help clients identify and break through limiting beliefs to gain clarity so that they can confidently pursue their desired outcomes, whether in career, relationships, or personal well-being. Ultimately, bringing about life transformation!

Life coaching has had a big impact in my life and continues to do so. Looking back, I realise that it could have saved me a lot of time, money, heartache, and avoided unnecessary hardships.

Without diverging too much, hitting rock bottom was what it took for me to reach out for help – I desperately needed a shift. I just didn’t know how or where to begin. That’s when I got a life coach.

I needed practical tools to deal with the situation I was in. I wanted to let go of pain, become whole again and reconnect with myself. While coaching helped me achieve this (and more!), it gave me the courage to exchange a life of compromise with one of fulfilment and purpose.

Now, onto YOU! Why do you want to get a life coach?

Maybe you feel stuck or lost and you just don’t know why. And when you try to figure it out, you’re back to feeling stuck! You might even know where you want to be, but you don’t know how to get there or what’s blocking you.

Perhaps it’s a “midlife crisis” – having achieved what you wanted to, but don’t see yourself doing what you’ve been doing for the next 20 years. You want to figure out the next step, but you don’t know how.

Life changing events also bring people to come and see me. Trauma, relationship problems, divorce, loss of a loved one and changing jobs are a few examples. Such events cause stress, fear, doubting ourselves, getting anxious, feeling depressed, overwhelmed or frustrated. It can make us feel inadequate, not good enough and knock our self-confidence.

There are also other reasons people sign up for coaching. Here are some examples:

  • Overcoming obstacles like breaking through limiting beliefs about yourself, others or life, negative emotions or inner conflicts holding you back from reaching your full potential.
  • Identifying personal, relationships or career goals and creating a plan to achieve them.
  • Navigating through job/career transition like finding more satisfaction in your work, joining a new team, getting promoted but feeling uncertain, or changing jobs/careers.
  • Improving or gaining clarity regarding relationships like enhancing communication, resolving conflicts or moving forward/on.
  • Working on self-love, acceptance, confidence and self-esteem by letting go of what’s holding you back and learning strategies to feel more empowered in your daily life.
  • Stress management and improving work-life balance to prevent burnout, and creating a happier, more fulfilling life.
  • Anger management to get in control of the beast which is destroying your life.
  • Personal growth and development to reach your full potential or to grow emotionally, mentally or spiritually.
  • Accountability and motivation to take action, overcome procrastination and stay on track towards reaching your goals.
  • Overcoming bad habits like smoking, substance abuse or eating disorders to support a healthier life style and increase longevity.

No matter how stuck, confused or hopeless you might feel, I believe it’s possible for you to overcome whatever you’re struggling with. I will support you throughout your coaching journey. I will help you reach your goals by breaking through barriers, gaining clarity and giving you practical tools to maintain personal growth and transformation beyond your coaching journey.

If you feel excited and hopeful, and shout, “yes, this is what I need!”, I would love to meet you!

How it works

We will meet for a free 20-minute consultation to dive deeper into your reasons for considering life coaching. This is just an informal chat – you don’t have to sign up! It will provide you with the opportunity to ask questions, get clarity on where you are in your life, what’s holding you back and what you would like to achieve through coaching. This will also help me to understand your needs and decide on the best approach to help you get the results you want.

Coaching is all about team work, connection, trust and respect. For you to get the most out of coaching, you need to feel comfortable opening up to me and trusting me. The free consultation will give you the opportunity to determine if coaching is the right thing for you and if I’m the right coach for you. Likewise, I need to establish if you’re serious about coaching before taking you on as a client. I want you to get the results you set out to achieve!

Scared? It’s normal! Ask yourself, “do I choose the life I have or the life I want?” If it’s the latter, get out of your head and email/phone me. I promise you, it’s the hardest part! After all, what do you have to lose?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Master Transformation Life Coach & NLP Practitioner
Garsfontein, Pretoria, South Africa

More about Coach me to Grow